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Questions and Bugs / Re: Virtual audio cabels
« Last post by corb on May 11, 2020, 09:47:07 pm »
Hallo Parelduiker,

Gebruik je voor je opstelling the portaudio DLL van versie 20.1? Het is al een tijdje terug dat ik getest heb met Breakaway pipeline, dat werkte met MME goed WASAPI niet. Die test was met de oude portaudio DLL.
Ik zal morgen (12-05-2020) even een test opzetten en laten weten of ik de fout kan reproduceren.
Questions and Bugs / Re: New User - No Audio Output
« Last post by corb on May 11, 2020, 09:39:40 pm »
Hi Panache,
Didn't know there's Facebook group that talks about Qmod. :)

1. Screen shot. What stands out is the high amout of the output peak control (bar 3 of the output display). Normaly it should be <= 5dB. It could be caused by the strange sound.

2. Sound sample. Just guessing now but could it be an unwanted feedback?
I noticed you're selecting the sound card directly. Did you try setting the M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card as default audio interfacein Windows and set the Qmod audio I/O device to default?

Questions and Bugs / Re: I need direct contact with you!
« Last post by ParelduikerFM on May 09, 2020, 09:21:07 pm »
Hey Junior " I've developed a homemade FM processor using simple VST plugins"

Tell Cor that you not write this FM processor but its a chain whith Padleboard and stolen VST's :)
Questions and Bugs / Re: I need direct contact with you!
« Last post by ParelduikerFM on May 09, 2020, 09:16:05 pm »
What are you trying Junior Silva :) your so-called knowledge?  :) you can not even program :), so keep your nice talk to yourself, you go sell Baone illegal. ;)
or threaten people with death if they come up with facts with processing :)

so cor please dont listen to this child, yes he is a child, i know him and a friend from me also verry good ;)

so be careful with him :)
Questions and Bugs / Virtual audio cabels
« Last post by ParelduikerFM on May 09, 2020, 09:09:19 pm »

De in en out put met VAC's zowel Breakaway pepeline als de normale werkt niet.
MME en WASAPI geven problemen "Audio card not initalized "

Denk dat je een rotte Port audio libary hebt.

Via WDKMS heb ik via VAC 1 wel input maar geen output, omdat Kernelstreaming static is.

audio kaart is trouwens een Behringer UMC 404
Questions and Bugs / Re: New User - No Audio Output
« Last post by Panache on May 09, 2020, 07:28:30 pm »
Audio added
Questions and Bugs / New User - No Audio Output
« Last post by Panache on May 09, 2020, 07:23:53 pm »
Greetings!  I saw Qmod on a facebook group so thought I would give it a try.

PC - i3-4170, 4GB RAM, Windows 7 64 bit, M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound Card.  Avid user of ST, BAOne, Breakaway Broadcast (not at the same time, machine configured to take audio in and send MPX out).  Installation of Qmod appears successful, the other software is successfully working.

I have had some success getting RDS to work but no success getting clear audio.  Sounds like computer noise, modulating at full level, do get a hint of audio in the background.  The audio appears to be hitting detected by the processor, the meters move appropriately.  Attached a screen shot of my settings and will see if I can add some audio.
Release Info / Qmod 20.1 released
« Last post by corb on May 01, 2020, 02:06:51 pm »
===== Release info ====
- New: Silence detector and backup player. When there's a loss of input signal the silence detector will start a backup player and can send an email.
  It includes a samplerate convertor. So when using a samplerate of 192000 and the backup player starts playing a WAV file with a samplerate of 44100kHz it's going to take more processing power.
  On my system its ~20%.
- Addressed some internal timing problems. The changes effect the leveler release setting  below 4s. You might want to check settings.
- Added a new portaudio dll that includes fixes.
- There's no longer a console version. The dll doesn't give audio card information anymore. If a crash happens, the error is saved in the Errorlog subdirectory.
- Some minor changes on the fm section. Still not completely satisfied but it will do for now.
- Fixed some bugs.
Questions and Bugs / Re: I need direct contact with you!
« Last post by corb on April 24, 2020, 06:40:34 pm »
Can I contact you via your login email address?

Questions and Bugs / I need direct contact with you!
« Last post by sevenmizer61 on April 21, 2020, 03:14:28 am »
We need to talk, I've developed a homemade FM processor using simple VST plugins, I'm very interested in helping you with Qmod, i can make it sound as good as these commercial FM processors that cost up to 30k dollars. we need a real good FM processor.
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