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Release Info / Qmod 18.2.1 released
« Last post by corb on April 30, 2018, 05:26:29 pm »
This is a fix for 18.2

===== 18.2.1 ====
- Fixed: If you did a first install the settings foldep was not create and gave an error.
Release Info / Qmod 18.2 released
« Last post by corb on April 30, 2018, 01:34:04 pm »
===== 18.2 ====

- Changed: Switched to Go 1.10.1
- Changed: Replaced the clipper by a buffered clipper. The old one did its job in real time, the new one uses a buffer between 5 and 40ms to work with.
                   It gives a cleaner sound because it produces less distortion and harmonics.
- Changed: The clipper drive value is now in dB. You problably need to check your clipper setting when in use.
- Added:   A separate fm clipper control on the fm panel.
- Removed: The stereowidth limiter in the fm section. The bandwith can be better controlled by the new composite limiter.
- Changed: Some small values in de leveler.
- Changed: Stereo+ divided into two parts for detection.
- Changed: Moved the settings folder from APPDATA to the local Qmod folder and renamed it to Settings. This way it opens the possibility to run multiple instances of
                   Qmod together, each in its own folder with its own settings. You'll need an separate audio card for every instance however.
- Fixed: A few small bugs in the processing routine.
- Fixed: A few bugs in the GUI
- Fixed: A bug in the audio card timing guard which caused a repeating restart of the audio card at samplerate a setting of 96000 and 192000.
Common / Re: De 'oude' Qmod processor en gebruikers
« Last post by Marco on April 02, 2018, 04:07:35 pm »
Nee aan de buitenkant niet, wel staan er wat potloodstreepjes op. Aan de binnenkant nog niet gekeken.
Questions and Bugs / Re: Qmod Starts then Suddenly Disappear.
« Last post by corb on March 11, 2018, 11:58:43 am »
Sorry for being a bit late.

I see in your previous message that your CPU is a Celeron j1800. If that's still the case with your dedicated PC, it could be that you have to litle processing power available.
I haven't tested it with a Celeron but when you discribe Gui crashes I'm thinking that could be the cause. I've never any seen Gui crashes in all my tests except when I tried it on a to slow D2500 mobile. The program needs a reasonable fast CPU. i5 or i7 or something comparable.
The program is written in Go and is somewhat slower in executing than a program written in C or C++.
Questions and Bugs / Re: Qmod Starts then Suddenly Disappear.
« Last post by sevenmizer61 on March 03, 2018, 07:18:44 pm »
extremely unstable. crashes GUI when i set deviation to -3db and uses huge CPU load.
Questions and Bugs / Re: Qmod Starts then Suddenly Disappear.
« Last post by sevenmizer61 on March 03, 2018, 07:05:13 pm »
I'm gonna test the new version in my dedicated computer
Release Info / Qmod 18.1 released
« Last post by corb on February 23, 2018, 01:42:14 pm »
Release notes:
- Fixed: When for whatever reason the selected audio card was not found or had incorrect values, Qmod would crash in the audio card intialization process. It's fixed now.
- Changed: Selection process of the audio card. It's name based now. Previously it was index based but it turned out that's not always reliable. When you're not using the  default audio card you'll need to reselect your card.

- Changed: Modified the release gate. Now it resets the counter when another gate event occurs before the gate is closed and the release returns to normal.
- Changed: Some values in the presets.
- Changed: Some minor changes in de expander.
Questions and Bugs / Re: Qmod Starts then Suddenly Disappear.
« Last post by corb on February 15, 2018, 08:45:15 pm »
Hi Sevenmizer61,

I did some searching in the source code and the point at wich the error occurs is where some info is being asked of the sound card, only it finds a nil pointer. It seems that the sound card isn't initialized. It's a bug that makes Qmod crash when the sound card is not available.
Mostly it happens with a wrong sound card selection or setting.
Perhaps you can select the default sound card as your selection in Qmod and have Windows use your sound card as default. That should work.
Also you could check for the error log file, it's in C:\Users\YourUserName\QmodErrors. Maybe you'll find some more info.

The bug will be fixed in version 18.1 but your problem isn't solved by it.
Hope this helps.

Questions and Bugs / Qmod Starts then Suddenly Disappear.
« Last post by sevenmizer61 on February 15, 2018, 04:39:59 pm »
The software disappear when i select a sound card. Sometimes it stops working even at the starting. How i can fix that?

My Specs:
Realtek ALC887 192khz
Intel Celeron Dual Core J1800
2gb of RAM
Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate 32bits
Windows Server 2008 64bits (another PC with same specs but with 4gb of ram)

That's the error that i got using console

PinNew: No physical connection! Getting the pin name
Pin created successfully
PinNew: Creating pin 2:
PinNew: Not source/sink
PinNew: Error -9996
PinNew: Creating pin 3:
PinNew: Not source/sink
PinNew: Error -9996
Filter (WaveCyclic) created with 2 valid pins (total I/Os: 2)
after paHostApiInitializers[4].
TerminateHostApis in
TerminateHostApis out
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer derefe
[signal 0xc0000005 code=0x0 addr=0x4 pc=0x5fe12d]

goroutine 12 [running]:
portaudio.(*Stream).Info(0x0, 0x1f8b0004)
        C:/Users/Cor/GoProjects/src/portaudio/portaudio.go:812 +0x
qmod/qmodcore.AudioServer(0x1f47e100, 0x1f57e000, 0x1f47e080, 0x1f
created by main.appMain.func2
        C:/Users/Cor/GoProjects/src/qmod/qmod/qmod.go:3783 +0x8a
Thanks Cor, Great Job..

I always wait for QMod new update
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