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Hi Tisuputih,

I took some time to listen to the stream you mentioned( It has a very open sound as far as I can tell.
But I understand you want some more power. The easiest way to do that is to increase the density a bit. As an example, if your density setting is 2 or 3 increase it to 5 or 6, also you can increase the end limiter drive from say 1 or 2 to 3 or 4. The release time should be set to 150-200ms. The band limiters should also have a release of 150/200ms.
I don't know your base preset but in Qmod version 17.9 I've introduced the PowerBottom preset. You could take that as a start.
I hope this helps.
Hi CORB, We create radio Online with 3 free software,, Radio DJ with Breakaway Pipeline Cable & MB Recaster. sound is great.. Very Rich But i Want more little gain for more power  :D , sorry for my english...

Over All You Work is VEry Good ... I Like it

thanks.. cek for my streaming or
Questions and Bugs / Re: Qmod start niet op een van mijn pc's
« Last post by corb on December 13, 2017, 09:59:52 am »
I think practically every audio processor is written in C/C++. Qmod is written in Go. Go asks a bit more CPU power than C/C++.
I don't like C/C++ and choose Go when I started this project a few years back, and with CPUs getting more power I don't think it's a big drawback.
A pity you can't test it, I would very much like to hear your opinion on Qmod. When you get it to work please let me know.

Have a nice day,
Questions and Bugs / Re: Qmod start niet op een van mijn pc's
« Last post by RadioBellissima on December 12, 2017, 07:14:56 pm »
OK thanks
I was curious to test it, yes, the PCs that act as processor servers and directing my radios are a bit dated, even if very stable. Generally all the audio processors I know have always worked and still work. As soon as I can, I will test it on a newer machine.
Questions and Bugs / Re: Qmod start niet op een van mijn pc's
« Last post by corb on December 12, 2017, 05:58:41 pm »
I managed to dig up a win7sp1 installation drive and made a dual boot install on my test pc.
The test PC is a Intel NUC i5 with a i5-5250 processor and the built-in intel GPU
8 GB RAM and a SSD 128GB, audio is a Steinberg U-22 usb audio card.
I'm using the win7 32bit version
I took the latest Qmod and it runs perfectly.
It seems it's a hardware/driver related problem that I can't reproduce.

I did a quick check on the CPUs you're using and I see that they're mobile processors from '07/'08.
I did a test once and tried to run Qmod on a PC with intel D500 mobile processor and 2GB RAM. The D500 is from 2010.
It started but frooze during the start up. So from my experience I don't think it's gonna work at all even when the crash problem is solved.
Questions and Bugs / Re: Qmod start niet op een van mijn pc's
« Last post by RadioBellissima on December 12, 2017, 03:10:01 pm »
I am attaching the photos of the 2 PCs in which it does not start, in both the video card is intel. The sound cards are realtek + vcable + pipeline.
The first pc is an Acer Aspire 5520 original find all the features on the official website.
Questions and Bugs / Re: Qmod start niet op een van mijn pc's
« Last post by corb on December 12, 2017, 11:08:15 am »
Ok thanks.

I'll look into it but it's something other than a simple bug in qmod.
It could be related to video backend of the GUI. I've no knowledge of that piece of software.

What kind of video card do you use or are all computers have different setups?
Please give as much information about your PC setup as possible because when I ask around people gonna asked.
Questions and Bugs / Re: Qmod start niet op een van mijn pc's
« Last post by RadioBellissima on December 11, 2017, 11:08:55 pm »
the same does not start.
This is what happens.
Questions and Bugs / Re: Qmod start niet op een van mijn pc's
« Last post by corb on December 11, 2017, 09:53:16 am »
I forgot.
In the video I saw you clicked on qmod.exe to start it and the cmd window opened and closed again, to fast to see what's happening.
Please do the following:
open the cmd window by pressing winkey + r
type cmd and enter. Cmd opens a window and you can enter dos commands.
Goto the directory where qmod is unzipped by using dos commands like: cd downloads\qmod_console_x64_modified_manifest
type dir and enter to see what's in the directory, when you see qmod.exe in the listing type qmod and enter.
now the cmd window stays open and hopefully you see something about the possible error.
Questions and Bugs / Re: Qmod start niet op een van mijn pc's
« Last post by corb on December 10, 2017, 02:38:57 pm »
I'm running out of possibilities here.
I've one option left right now and that's an incorrect manifest file that is compiled into the exe. It's runs fine on my 2 test PCs that have win10 and a beta tester who also uses win10, has never complained but I have no win7 PC available. Did you tried it on a win10 machine?

Anyway I compiled another 64bit exe with a different manifest file and give you the link for it.
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