Author Topic: Qmod 18.2 released  (Read 2852 times)

Offline corb

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Qmod 18.2 released
« on: April 30, 2018, 01:34:04 pm »
===== 18.2 ====

- Changed: Switched to Go 1.10.1
- Changed: Replaced the clipper by a buffered clipper. The old one did its job in real time, the new one uses a buffer between 5 and 40ms to work with.
                   It gives a cleaner sound because it produces less distortion and harmonics.
- Changed: The clipper drive value is now in dB. You problably need to check your clipper setting when in use.
- Added:   A separate fm clipper control on the fm panel.
- Removed: The stereowidth limiter in the fm section. The bandwith can be better controlled by the new composite limiter.
- Changed: Some small values in de leveler.
- Changed: Stereo+ divided into two parts for detection.
- Changed: Moved the settings folder from APPDATA to the local Qmod folder and renamed it to Settings. This way it opens the possibility to run multiple instances of
                   Qmod together, each in its own folder with its own settings. You'll need an separate audio card for every instance however.
- Fixed: A few small bugs in the processing routine.
- Fixed: A few bugs in the GUI
- Fixed: A bug in the audio card timing guard which caused a repeating restart of the audio card at samplerate a setting of 96000 and 192000.