***PS. Please check if in Radmin Settings / Options / Mics. is ticked "Load Mirror Driver on Startup". Otherwise Qmod will freeze only after someone connect to Your PC.***
Ok, did that. It was unchecked but I ticked it and restarted the PC and Qmod, connected with Radmin and selected visuals. No difference at all. Everything runs smoothly.
It looks like it's local, could be the video drivers. I'm using an i5-5250 and the onboard intel videocard with default drivers.
The back-end of the GUI is OpenGL and the GLFW window driver
***PS2. Maybe this is somehow related. After click on [visuals] tab program stop responding. Even when Radmin is uninstalled completely.***
The visuals display is a bit CPU power hungry and it could freeze on a slower CPU but I never had a crash like that.
Some older versions of Qmod had somewhat more trouble to diplay the visuals but that would be versions before 17.7.
Hope this helps.